La Permanence

Co-working space La Permanence owns 3 locations in the Paris région, in France. Due to the evolution of the labour market, they offer affordable working spaces to Freelance workers and young entrepreneurs. Within their business, video surveillance is a vital part. When their original cloudbased video surveillance system was underperforming, Manesse Clam, founder of La Permanence, approached Eagle Eye Networks.

Accessing Footage Remotely and Quickly Before EE Cloud VMS was placed, Manesse had a lot of work ahead of him. The former cloud-solution with WIFI-cameras that the co-working space was using was not functional and difficult to operate. It wasn’t a scalable solution, which became a growing problem with the multiple spaces the company has in Paris. They oft en tried to access footage remotely, but the process was ti me-consuming and cumbersome.

Sharing Limitations
La Permanence works with an automated access control system where people can register online and receive a personal QR code to enter the space. Therefore it is important for Manesse to have an extra eye on access control events to see if the system is used correctly and is respected.

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